With Permasol play all year round a few minutes after rain without any maintenance problems!
Permasol is a form of porous concrete laid on well-drained foundations consisting of frost-proof material surfaced with specific coloured resins. This gives a surface that’s perfectly permeable on which play can begin again almost immediately after rain, no matter what the season.
The Permasol surface can cope with all conditions and it guarantees tried and tested durability. It requires very little maintenance - just a yearly anti-moss treatment.
Permasol is laid using the principle of a monolithic slab in porous concrete made from hard rock gravel consisting of thirty-six 6x3-metre slabs linked by galvanised iron levelling bars with expanding joints of 9 cm thickness.
The playing surface is perfectly flat laid out with a measuring rod, smoothed and then rolled by hand. The Permasol granulations can be adapted according to the speed of the game chosen, and it has been designed to absorb large quantities of water as well as providing a pleasant game that isn’t too hard on balls and shoes.
Colour is applied to the surface by special resins (acrylic vinyl elastomers) sprayed on by a pistol in two crossed layers plus a reinforced layer in the playing area.
Permasol is very popular with clubs and private individuals and it can be used for hard-fought games throughout the year.